Southern Cross Lithium Project

Results from a 1,770 UltraFine soil sampling program revealed a large 10km x 2km lithium soil anomaly > 100ppm Li2O

  • The anomaly is coincident with a major fault structure and favourable geology associated with the Koolyanobbing Shear Zone, a large northwest‐trending, crustal‐scale, ductile shear zone located in the Archaean granitoid‐greenstone terrain of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
  • The Southern Cross project lies along trend of notable major lithium resources including Mt Holland (186Mt @ 1.53% Li2O) and Split Rocks (11.9Mt @ 0.74% Li2O)
  • GCX will now accelerate follow up soil sampling to infill the current 500m x 500m grid along the anomaly